Using SEO Site Checkup To Find Clients

Using SEO Site Checkup To Find Clients

I’ve been using SEO Site Checkup to “check” my clients’ sites—not because I find their automated reports useful but because running a report generates a permanent link with decent domain authority. Check it out:


Or, if you’re on a page that isn’t the home page, scroll down to the bottom and look for the “Free SEO Checkup” box.

One site check is allowed per day, by the way.

But here’s how to use this service for prospecting, in addition to link-building. SEO Site Checkup also has this page, where you can see (in real time) what sites people are checking. This is fascinating stuff, and you can refresh it and (if you’re quick) reach out to site owners who:

  • You know are currently online
  • You know are concerned about the performance of their site
  • May or may not know how to fix the problems they’ve just been alerted to—problems which you can see by clicking on their report
Great tool for finding out the CMS and plugins used on a site here:
Free tool for finding contact info from any site:
Anyone else know any client prospecting hacks?