Tag: keyword research

  • Title Tag Optimization

    Find ‘Striking Distance’ Keywords (How To Update Your Title Tags and Header Tags) June 10, 2023 Are you optimizing your title tags (page meta titles) and on-page header tags (H1-H6)  to increase click-through rate and boost rankings? You can use Google Search Console to look for opportunities to increase relevant clicks. Here is an easy…

  • Hey, SEO Agencies: You’re Doing Keyword Research Wrong!

    Hey, SEO Agencies: You’re Doing Keyword Research Wrong! November 3, 2022. In my quest to serve more clients, I’ve been interviewing with agencies looking to hire me outright or else “white label” my SEO/content marketing services. One of them gave me a “test” to take home and complete (which I share below). Now, in theory…