Author: The Austin Editor
Step-By-Step SEO/Content Marketing Strategy For B2B SaaS Companies
Step-By-Step SEO/Content Marketing Strategy For B2B SaaS Companies February 15, 2023 How can tech companies leverage SEO and content marketing to grow their share of voice, build their brand, and reach more customers? I recently put together a proposal for Directive Consulting, and my proposal was all about how an established B2B SaaS company could…
Credit Cards on Terceira
Bureaucracy & Portugal January 13, 2023. To those considering a move to Portugal: You’ve no doubt heard about the bureaucracy here. It’s usually mentioned in connection to the immigration process. But here’s one area not discussed, and if you’re moving here with young kids you should be aware of it. We moved here in the…
Credit Cards on Terceira
Credit Cards on Terceira December 24, 2022. We use our Visa as much as possible, because it gets us points/miles/whatever, which we use for vacations. Here on Terceira, credit cards don’t seem to have caught on. It’s always a big song and dance to figure out whether or not a place accepts Visa or if…
Hey, SEO Agencies: You’re Doing Keyword Research Wrong!
Hey, SEO Agencies: You’re Doing Keyword Research Wrong! November 3, 2022. In my quest to serve more clients, I’ve been interviewing with agencies looking to hire me outright or else “white label” my SEO/content marketing services. One of them gave me a “test” to take home and complete (which I share below). Now, in theory…
When The Low-Hanging Fruit Turns Out To Be Rotten: The Easiest Customers To Get Aren’t Necessarily The Customers You Want
When The Low-Hanging Fruit Turns Out To Be Rotten The easiest customers to get aren’t necessarily the customers you want. I learned that lesson the hard way … When I was a teenager in in Southaven, Miss., I had a residential lawn care business. I’d mow and edge my neighbors’ grass during the spring,…
Pico da Dona Joana Hike
Ribeirinha + Hike Up Pico da Dona Joana 12 Jan, 2022 Today Alicia and I did a fun walk through Ribeirinha, Feteira, and a lot of cow pastures on our way to Pico da Dona Joana. Wikipedia explains it in dry statistical language as: … um cone vulcânico de escórias basálticas, constituído por piroclastos negros relativamente…
City Acre Brewing Company’s QUAT-QUAT-QUAD
My wife got me a four-pack (well, someone nicked one, so I ended up with a three-pack) of this fantastic 8% abv. 4th anniversary beer from Houston’s City Acre. A Belgian Quadruple made with estate loquats and kumquats. She knows how much I love loquats. Kumquats are good, too. We have one kumquat tree in…
The EXACT process Apollo Digital uses to scale SEO
Apollo Digital is a full-stack digital marketing agency based in Bulgaria. Co-founder Noel Ceta wrote a post, which I’m summarizing below. I encourage you to go check out the original. This post covers how you: Get your website to load faster (with minimal technical know-how) Optimize your landing pages to rank for direct intent…
Keep Austin Beautiful Hosts ‘Love Where You Live Day’
In honor of their 35th anniversary, Keep Austin Beautiful is hosting its first Love Where You Live Day Saturday, Nov. 21. Whether it’s on the street in front of your house or the pocket park around the corner, you can pick up some litter, mow your yard, weed a garden bed, or rake some leaves. Share…
Central Texas Runoff Election Tuesday, Dec. 15
Following the November 3rd General/Local elections, the League of Women Voters has confirmed the following runoff races: Austin City Council District 6 (Travis and Williamson County) Austin City Council District 10 Austin ISD Board of Trustees District 5 Austin ISD Board of Trustees District 8 At-Large Georgetown City Council District 2 (Williamson County) LWV will…